I thought I'd share a couple of pictures from our photo shoot. Humor me, k??
Be on the look out for more photos of my wee Mr. Gnome. I haven't found just the right name yet. He'll be out in the garden soon now that the weather has decided to cooperate with the calendar.
Now for more blogging fun --- boy, when it rains it pours, huh?
According to Google (where all the knowledge of the universe is supposedly held)...
Tammy needs:
- more opportunities to be creative (how did they know? is that spooky or what?)
- to balance out (once again, google is on the $$$)
- your prayers and good wishes (thanks!)
- help (in more ways than one... most importantly a maid service)
- lots of room to play
- a portable satellite radio service (actually I'd settle for Tivo)
- a hero (got several, thanks anyway)
- a new topic entirely...
By now I'm sure you agree ;)
Saw that fun little game on a couple of other blogs... give it a try and see what "you need" ---
Right now, I need to post this and see what all the chillens are doin'. Later, gator.
Love your gnome shots! I have been wondering where he had been hanging out. Glad to see he is bringing you some joy, and he sure is photogenic. I look forward to more gnome pictures, they make me smile!
Thanks for posting. Love you LOTS! Mom
Your gnome love is cracking me up! I told you to tell me something I didn't know and you did! Who knew?! Too funny! P
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