Tuesday, April 17

I love a man in a red hat

I hadn't gotten to share this little guy my mom painted for me for my b-day last month. He was just a plain concrete gnome, she gave him this snazzy personality :) I've got a thing for gnomes. It started recently and I've found myself in love with the wee men. I love that they have the Travelocity Gnome on Amazing Race...maybe that's where it started??... but it's gone beyond that. I think they are hilarious and mysterious, and whimsical. Now, I'm not starting some big collection, or anything. This guy and my wee, wee one that I'm taking to Italy are enough.

I thought I'd share a couple of pictures from our photo shoot. Humor me, k??

< <-portrait shot. Notice that 'far away' look in his eye? :)
<<--<<--full length shot. He really sucked it in for this one. (don't we all??) He assures me that the pipe is just for effect. And he's not too unlike Kenny Chesney in the hat department, (definitely needs to wear it, if you know what I mean)

<<--<<-- I caught him reading Martha's column on ways to use leftovers from Easter.

Be on the look out for more photos of my wee Mr. Gnome. I haven't found just the right name yet. He'll be out in the garden soon now that the weather has decided to cooperate with the calendar.

Now for more blogging fun --- boy, when it rains it pours, huh?

According to Google (where all the knowledge of the universe is supposedly held)...

Tammy needs:
- more opportunities to be creative (how did they know? is that spooky or what?)
to balance out (once again, google is on the $$$)
your prayers and good wishes (thanks!)
help (in more ways than one... most importantly a maid service)
- lots of room to play
- a portable satellite radio service (actually I'd settle for Tivo)
- a hero (got several, thanks anyway)
- a new topic entirely...
By now I'm sure you agree ;)

Saw that fun little game on a couple of other blogs... give it a try and see what "you need" ---
Right now, I need to post this and see what all the chillens are doin'. Later, gator.
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Anonymous said...

Love your gnome shots! I have been wondering where he had been hanging out. Glad to see he is bringing you some joy, and he sure is photogenic. I look forward to more gnome pictures, they make me smile!
Thanks for posting. Love you LOTS! Mom

Patti said...

Your gnome love is cracking me up! I told you to tell me something I didn't know and you did! Who knew?! Too funny! P