Wednesday, April 11


Fun times on Monday. The movie was cute and Katie rocked the carosel. See the lil' squirt giving the bunny-ears?? Made me laugh!

Today I'm feeling what I refer to as "jumbly". Matt completely knows what that means. It's hard to explain. But it's a definite mood I get into. Where nothing is what I want it to be. Where I feel like I want to do so many things and end up overwhelmed and getting nothing accomplished. Where I end in a pity party and in need of ice cream.
It's not that anything is really wrong. I just have so many things on my mind, so many things that need done and I get "jumbly" and just stop doing anything. I usually can get myself out of it, but not so far today. The weather is reflecting my mood. Sunny then rainy, then sunny, then rainy. Positive, "I can do this, let's get going!" then negative, "I'll never get it done, why start, because I just have to stop mid-way"blah, blah, blah... you get the picture. Overwhelmed. Unproductive. Which in my mind equals big fat failure. I hate days like this.

I've been playing store with Katie. My computer is the cash register, my mouse the scanner. She 'buys' a bunch of stuff with the penny's in her pocket. We have the traditional checking-out banter. One of her dream jobs is being a "Shopping Girl". It's on the master list that includes: firefighter, ballet girl, toy girl, cheerleader.

Hannah sly-ly hinted that she's interested in coloring her hair. What????? Where is this coming from?
" Oh, yea, a 7th grader colored her hair a "really cute" dark red. I like my brown hair. pause. silence. But I might like it a darker brown."
Pigs with wings honey. You are 12. That's all I'm saying.

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Anonymous said...

What fun pictures of the kids--looks like it was a perfect "childhood day". And although your "to-do" list may not be getting any shorter---sounds like you are doing something even more important, play-pretending with Katie Rose. Sounds like shaping the life of a child to me, and nothing is more important. In the long-run, you are making more of an impact on the future. You will get around to all the necessary household tasks, but don't underestimate the value of all you are doing. Just look, you made a blog entry, and brought joy to all of us out here with the delightful smiles of the kids, and memories of youth. You are a terrific Mom and it is hard to find a more important task than that.
Hannah sounds like she is just checking to see if she is still your "little girl" or where she fits in the "tween" world. Although, I know she is surrounded by all the directions other girls are going, you are right, at 12 there are plenty of years to check out alternate hair colors. It is hard to improve on the natural beauty of youth, she is so pretty.
You are also my wonderful daughter, and I love you so much. Hope your "jumbley" feelings have subsided and you are feeling warm hugs and love through these internet connections. Love, MOM

Patti said...

hey, girl-chin up! you get more done in a day than I get done in a week or more! i agree with mom-time spent engaging your children is time very well spent. don't be so hard on yourself and cut yourself some slack. sometimes you need a day to do nothing and reenergize so consider today a "power up" day.

i'm not encouraging the haircolor thing 'cause i think she's gorgeous (like Faith Hill gorgeous), but maybe she could get a few highlights for summer. love ya! P

Anonymous said...

Hey! Cute pics of the kids and the family. I think Hannah is just becoming a teenager! That is supposed to happen. It could be worse - she could want a nose ring (HA HA). I love ya!! Just enjoy the moments with your kids.

Aunt Patty

Anonymous said...

That was one of the funniest blogs yet! Well, not the part about you feeling "jumbly" - everyone has those days...don't beat yourself up! I love the Hannah story...I can totally picture how the conversation went...oh, think of all the fun ones to come! Katie sounds like she's been having a fun time with Mommy...let's hope her Bebe really doesn't become her new McDonalds "orderer" girl!!