You read it right. Poo. Never done this before and please, Lord, never again. So, a dog-bath and a whole bottle of Comet w/bleach later (not used on the dog, but the tub) I'm back to the list. I needed to vent a little first. Thanks for listening.
Here's a couple of pictures for your trouble. Taken yesterday, the kids lovin' being outside again.
I do NOT envy you the job of cleaning up Sagey---she might be hinting for some new perfume! Glad you got her clean before she spread the scent everywhere.
Love the picture of the kids swinging. It reminds me of my love for swinging. I can remember on the grade school playground swinging as high as the swing would go. What an exuberant feeling, like flying through the air. Spring just brings out the youthfulness in all of us. Get some sunshine! Love, Mom
Love seeing the pictures of the kids outside -- maybe spring is finally here to stay!
Just think how uneventful your day MIGHT HAVE BEEN without the poo incident -- HA! I bet it was not pleasant! You are truly a super mom and dog owner. Love and miss all of you! Jacki
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