Wednesday, October 29

Halloween Past

Cinderella, Dash from the Incredibles and Laura Ingalls. Halloween 2005.

Why do these pictures make me so happy and so sad at the same time????

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Anonymous said...

I love all those sweet faces and cute costumes. I tried to comment on your other post, and blogger would not let me. I plan to try to add a post to my blog in a few minutes, if the computer will cooperate.
Thanks for the blast from the past. Where does the time go??? Aren't photos priceless, as we can at least re-visit all the precious memories. Keep clicking and sharing. Lots of lot to all of you,

Anonymous said...

I love all those sweet faces and cute costumes. I tried to comment on your other post, and blogger would not let me. I plan to try to add a post to my blog in a few minutes, if the computer will cooperate.
Thanks for the blast from the past. Where does the time go??? Aren't photos priceless, as we can at least re-visit all the precious memories. Keep clicking and sharing. Lots of lot to all of you,

Anonymous said...

Oh how precious those kids are!!! I love looking at all their "old" pictures. I remember Hannah being Cinderella at about three! Love you all. Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing---

The children---are
so beautiful---and
talented--You are blessed.

Love Y'all,