Sunday, November 2

I do believe in fairies...

and in scaaaarrrryyyy Kindergarteners -----

With only one official trick-or-treater, Halloween was pretty simple. Hannah was off at a friend's birthday party, and Jonathan came along with Katie and me. He insisted he wasn't trick-or-treating, but still was happy to accept the 'sympathy candy' that was given to him as the older brother.

I was more than happy to have the extra hour of sleep last night, but absolutely can not stand it being dark so early. The one good thing that comes from it --- children who can't tell time don't know they are going to bed early....shhhhhh, don't tell ;)

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Anonymous said...

Your secret's safe with me!!! The time did not change, only the clocks, right?
I love the pictures of our little fairy--she is adorable, as always. Sure do look forward to seeing you all. Miss you and love you bunches.
Thank you for the sweet pictures you posted.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Your secret's safe with me!!! The time did not change, only the clocks, right?
I love the pictures of our little fairy--she is adorable, as always. Sure do look forward to seeing you all. Miss you and love you bunches.
Thank you for the sweet pictures you posted.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous fairy! Great photos! Kate is simply beautiful! I hear ya on the getting dark so early stuff -- it's hard to get used to! Tell everyone "hi" from us! Love you all! Jacki

Anonymous said...

Look at all the exclamation points in the previous comment.
That's a Seinfeld episode, isn't it? Elaine would love that last comment of mine. HA!

Anonymous said...

She is the most beautiful fairy I've ever seen!!!! I can't wait to see you all this weekend...miss and love you.