Finally posting some photos from the Cards vs. Mets game last week. Gosh, was that only last week?? It seems like forever ago. I'm really behind on posting due to technical difficulties, but I'll try not to interrupt your regularly scheduled blog postings, 'cause I hate it when that happens.
We were very blessed to have super fabulous seats for the Cardinal game thanks to Chris and Marilyn via their daughter and son-in-law, who you can meet
Here. (link warning: super adorable little girls)
Our seats ---- Front row behind the Cardinal dugout. Is there any better??
Chris and Marilyn are dear friends and we had a ball (hee hee) at the game with them and another friend who Matt taught with, Joanie. Hannah and her friend babysat Kate and we got to take Jonathan with us.
Holy Moly was the boy in heaven. Like, can't-sit-still, ear-to-ear-grin. I quote, "I'm breathing the same air as Albert Pujols" as he went into the on deck circle. Wanted to share a few of my favorites from the night.

<<<--- my very, very favorite. My boy's glove on the Cards dugout.

<<<--- "Ricky Ballgame"... one of Jon Carter's favorites. Gosh, he's a big guy.

<<<---Tony. He's the Man. I *heart* him.

<<<--- big fan

<<<--- Jonathan used to call him "Pu-hodge" when he was really little. He's really amazing--- so electric when he comes up to bat.

<<-- this was too cute not to add...

<<-- one with the wide angle. See the arch peeking over the top of the score board??? How can you not love this city???
Hey, great to have you back--with pictures! Great ones too, as always. Love the picture of Jonathan and the Arch in the distance, so neat that you all got to be so "close" to all the action. I know Jonathan will remember it always, and your photos will be priceless as you walk down memory lane in years to come. Look forward to seeing you this weekend. Love and miss you lots! Mom
Oohh, I do love that city!!! How I miss it! I'm so happy that our boy got to have that experience. What a fun day! Love you all!
What fun you must have had! Definitely something Jonathan won't forget anytime soon. I love how you think of just the right photos to take -- love the one of his glove on the dugout! Now why can't I think of stuff like that? It was so good to talk to you yesterday. Love you and miss-you-so-much-I-can't-stand-it! Ya know what I mean? Jacki
Our boy at the Card's game - now that is true happiness for him. And we got to see Jon Carter and his mom on TV that night - even more fun!!! We love you all. Aunt Linda
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