Tuesday, July 8

Thinking happy thoughts

*Computers are amazing and have so many positive advantages to them. The fact that mine is a pain in the *$!@ right about now is only temporary.

*I've had the best few days with my family. We've been to some cool places -- made special memories -- Thoughts of going back to work won't change that.

*There are people in my life that are true, loyal and loving. They support me, listen to me and want the best for me. 

*Making decisions concerning my future isn't only up to me, but to my Heavenly Father, who has all of my days written in his book before they come. I only need to trust.

*Ice cream and specifically Ted Drew's don't really count during vacation. 

*We get to go celebrate with the newlywed's this weekend. This means more dancing.  -- and a little photoshoot with the bride and groom :)

I have awesome photos to share as soon as my computer is back on it's feet. No more errors, but my wireless connection is ... well, there is no wireless connection. I've started completely fresh with Dell and Windows, still working on it. 

Be back soon...


Anonymous said...

I am still praying for you. God wants the best for you. If you need to vent more or get some advice,just email or call me. Glad you had some good time off with your family. Hope John Mayer was great.:)

In Him, Marilyn B.

Anonymous said...

Good to have an update...I've been missing your blog entries...especially since we haven't had as much time to talk this week! I'm so glad you all have had a wonderful "vacation". Things will work out the way they are meant to be. I can't wait to see you this weekend. I love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, what is going on with you? Did I miss something big that's going on? Whatever it is -- ya know how you mentioned that your Heavenly Father has plans written in His book for you before things happen? I like to also remember that His plans for us (even the every day little things) were written down before the foundation of the earth. Now that's deep! Tell everyone "hi" and I hope to talk soon! Love you and miss you lots, Jacki