I have been working up several blog posts in my head lately and most of them have to do with things that drive me crazy. Instead of a pet peeve series, I'll just do a quick bullet point list for you:
- Rude Drivers. [ those who give no courtesy wave when you are nice enough to let them in, those who bob and weave like maniacs, and those who give you a dirty look - or worse- for no reason at all ] I may be a fast driver, but I try very hard to not be a rude one. Shame on you, Rude Drivers in StL, shame on you.
- Mean Moms. [ the ones that Scream at their children in the store - call them names like 'stupid' and 'brat' and 'fool'. the ones that let their kids run around like crazy people and then yell at them, make threats and belittle the children in front of everyone. ] I know that I have posted about my feelings re: this topic before, but it continues to be something that I can't stand, and that I notice ALL the time. Believe me, I have had my moments in public with my kids, so I understand the frustration, but... I still cringe when I hear these kinds of moms (and dads).
- Shoes. [ super duper high heels, cage-like, ankle exaggerating in-fashion right now shoes ] Oh, the time I have spent this season looking for a simple Black Peep Toe Pump. One that without a 4 '' heel. One that was not over $200. The current trends gave me a run for my money, but I prevailed. :) Ended up with a Black Peep Toe Wedge, but it'll do just fine.
- Schedules. [ having 3 active, busy kids...a husband who teaches full time at one school and part time at another .. working more and more hours.. ] I strive for balance. I fight with the stress. I wish for days with nothing on the calendar. But I also love my life and love my family. I am learning to go with the flow and only take on Today and nothing more.
So that I'm not a complete Debbie Downer, here are some things that I am loving right now:
- Iced Tea. Lots and lots of it, now *unsweetened* -- gasp! :) It is my weapon to beat the battle of me vs. Dr. Pepper.
- Baseball has begun. Not just the Cardinals, which I love, but my boy and his team. Only one game under our belt so far and a 20-11 win. :)
- Purple nail polish on my toes.
- the Gap -- always one of my favorites and one of the best fits for me. Other stores that make me happy - Anthropologie, Ruche, and the Shabby Apple .Take a look at their pretties for Spring...
- Laughing. Particularly with Hannah and her bff Kaitlin, while watching youtube videos. I laughed harder this weekend than I have in a long, long time. Oh, to be 15 again. They can find the Fun, that's for sure.
- Taking pictures. Now, to be honest, I haven't been taking a lot of photos but have tried to get out the ol' camera here and there. My last official 'photoshoot' was of this beautiful boy:
Lukas @ 5 months
- Spring. It's just. so. Green.!!!! I was so incredibly tired of the brown of winter. The cold doesn't even bother me as much as the brown. Drab and dull and dreary. But now it's all lush and green and gorgeous. Love it! A trip to the Botanical Gardens is in store. My mom and I have a photography day planned there :)
1 comment:
Let's keep laughin' and lovin' babe!
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