Still playing a bit of catch up on the 'ol blog.. bear with me (or is it bare? neither look right. hmm.)
The baby of my babies turned 7 last week. It was a good day. She had decided way back that her birthday would be the best day ever, so... it was. Tony's Doney's to school for treats, home to open presents, her bubby's basketball game and then to the Olive Garden for PaSketti -- I *love* that she still says it that way! --
then, back home for Strawberry Cake with lots and lots of sprinkles.
She is such a precious girl and I am so thankful to have the privilege of being her momma. I don't know if there is anyone that has ever truly loved life as much as she does. She takes such delight in everyday things, and helps keep me focused on what really matters.
Looking cute in her iCarly shirt--- the bday theme this year
and.... ta--da-- the DS dream come true! She's been asking since last year for one. She is so happy that it's Pink...

and taking a quick break from the game to blow out the candles...
To be honest, by this time of the day (around 8:30 pm or so) we were all so tired that the party was a little quiet, but we still have more celebrating to do with family next weekend.
It's been since Christmas since we have seen most of them and it will be so fun to get together and celebrate the slew of March Birthday Girls (and a late Hannah, too)
Hannah is on her way to Florida with her friends for Spring Break. Katie is spending the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa and Jonathan is going on a rock climbing/repelling camp out with the Boy Scouts.
Count them, 1,2,3... all 3 gone for the weekend :)
Matt and I are celebrating my birthday with John Mayer Saturday night. I am so.absolutely.excited!!!!!!
If you hear about some crazy, nutzo lady (can't really say 'girl' at 38, huh) in the 12th Row, that'd be me... there is a possibility of a sign, maybe gift of sushi to JM?? Am I over the edge? just a bit.
They confiscate SLR's, so I"m taking my little camera, but still hope to get some good pictures.
I'm not the best at having my family all spread out, but still looking forward to a relaxing grown up weekend. I may even take the taxi sign off the top of the van...;)
Happy 7th birthday to Kate! I love the pictures you posted -- she is growing up! I hope your weekend is great -- the concert sounds fun! Time has flown by since you bought the tickets -- it seemed such a long way off and now here it is! ENJOY!!!! Happy birthday to you tomorrow! We love you!!! Jeff, Jacki and Maddy
Happy Birthday, my wonderful niece! I love you bunches!
Wow! It sounds like the big 7th birthday was very eventful!!! I hope you can treasure EVERY moment of every day with all 3 of your beautiful kids. However, you are definitely entitled to some "adult" time with Matt. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Aunt Patty
Happy Birthday (a lil late) to a beautiful Katie!! I just can't believe she is 7. Where did the time go!??
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