Sunday, May 3

Hannah's 40 hour project is done...and everyone, all together, says... Praise The Lord! 
She and Kaitlin worked so very hard at writing their paper, getting their presentation and dance number together and putting together Flapper-esque outfits. Hannah's was a mish-mash: shirt from Forever21, her own skirt, Kaitlin's mom's shoes/necklace. She made her headband which turned out soooo cute. 

I didn't get to go to the actual presentation, but will get to see the dvd. Matt said they did great, and after their dance, which included the Charleston and the Lindy, they had volunteers come up for a quick lesson. They had convinced Matt to come up and dance with them... priceless. 

I took these photos the other night when they were practicing. After weeding through all the silly ones, these are a couple of my favorites. I had 2 others I wanted to post, but blogger was not cooperating for some reason. So you never know when they might pop up on here sometime:) 
What's Hannah up to now that the big deal is over? Lots and lots of reading journals to do, one more week of regular classes and then finals. Then she is officially in *high school* !!!! 
But somehow that can't be right, because I'm waaaayyy to young to have a Freshman in high school....


Anonymous said...

What great photos!! I would have loved to have been there to see the presentation--hopefully we cdan see the dvd. Hannah looks sooo neat and authentic. I especially like the sepia shot. Maybe we can get Matt and Hannah to give us their rendition soon. Love to all of you. Mom

Anonymous said...

HIGH SCHOOL?????? WOA!!!! You are definitely too young to have a freshman in high school! Those pictures are wonderful. Love you all! Jacki

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I'm totally impressed!!!! Hannah looks like an authentic flapper!!! She really does!!!! I would have loved to have seen their presentation . . . and especially the part with Matt joining in for a lesson. We know how Matt and Jon Carter can tear up a dance floor when they let loose! Hannah - great job, honey. Aunt Linda

Leigh Ann said...

Hannah looks amazing! So grown up and beautiful...just like her gorgeous momma!