That's my boy running the 1600m at last weekend's track meet. He's just in 4th grade, but was allowed to compete in the jr. division which is 5th & 6th graders. We've been working on setting his goal, not necessarily to win the race, but to beat his best time. He came in 3rd, with a time of 6 min. 47 sec. .... one mile in less than 7 minutes... I was seriously amazed..
but this track meet wasn't the highlight of track season.
That was a couple of weeks ago when he competed for the first time at the 'big' meet with all the Lutheran schools in the area. (boo for me for forgetting my camera at that one)
He gets all set up at the line, and then takes off staying right in the middle of the pack. We were cheering him on each time he came around the bend by the bleachers...."Go, John, Go!"
On the 3rd of 4 laps, as he passes in front of us, he loses his *SHOE*!!! I'm screaming, "Get your shoe! Get your shoe!" But does the boy stop? No. Keeps on running. and running. and running.
He ran the entire last lap (1/4 mile) with one shoe. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was so afraid his foot was getting blistered on the bottom. But he kept up the pace...absolutely determined not to let anyone catch up to him.
Coming up on the last stretch with the finish line in sight, he runs by us, sock flapping....
and took 2nd place with a time of 7:09.
I can honestly saying that it was one of the sweetest, funniest moments ever. He was so proud. Kept saying how much fun he had. Oh, and the shoe didn't come off. He kicked it off because it was loose and "slowing him down".
Last weekend's goal was to run the 1600 in 7 minutes...he slammed that time, definitely a victory. But that one-shoe run will go down in Heckel history.
I will love the one shoe story--yes, it will be one that is passed down to his children. I can see his determination in the picture, and he look sooo much like his Daddy! I am so proud of him, and love watching him grow, yet remain so sweet. You will learn, as I have learned, that if you ever don't take the camera, you always wish you would have. It is an unwritten law. Hope you are feeling better by now. Love you bunches.
That's true Jonathan fashion...if something is in his way - he will remove it. In this case - his shoe. I love it. Thanks for sharing!
Miss you all!
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