Sunday, January 18

In honor of her first major injury ----

If you are Amy Owens, you may want to skip this post, because I know how you are....

Katie Rose's finger had it out with the trunk of the car and the trunk won, hands down...
It's been wrapped, splinted, iced, ibuprophened, xrayed and prayed for. A little boy sat on it at the basketball kick off and blood came gushing out everywhere. She's milked this puppy for all it worth. And because it's her first real injury (which is pretty good for going on 6) and because she's so pretty when she's looking pitiful --- photos for you: (taken a week after the slam)

Check back soon. I've got lots waiting in the wings....


Anonymous said...

Wow! Katie really deserves all the extra love and attention, and I am glad that her finger is on it's way to getting well. She really did get a hard smash! And you are right about her being so pretty with her sweet little pitiful face. Thank you for sharing, and I will be watchin for those promised posts. Love you lots.

Anonymous said...

Boy, does that look like it hurt! Poor thing -- I'll have to show these pictures to Maddy and then Kate will have more prayers for her finger. Love you all! Jacki

Owens' said...

Poor Katie! She might deserve an extra special treat this weekend when I come to visit. Thanks for the warning...I prepared myself, but my stomach still turned. I have to say though...she's a tough one! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Awww...Poor Katie!! But they sure do love milking these sort of things don't they?? Hope all is well.

Diane said...

OUCH! I shut Andrew's finger in the door one time, too. We had two trips to the ER with it and he lost the nail, but he survived - he never lets me forget though!!