1. Since my last pitiful post, things have been somewhat smoother. Not to say we haven't had our moments, but we are working on being loving and kind. In fact, I know that when they grow up, they will catch themselves repeating their mother (me) like all of us do whether we mean to or not. And the words out of their mouths to their own dear children will be, in a sweet but on-the-verge voice, "Love One Another!" It's one of my sayings (well, really, it's Jesus's , but I use it) and I've been pulling it out a lot lately.
2. Happy Birthday, Jacki!!!!! Love you bunches!!
3. Wildwood's school retreat was yesterday. The students are there for the whole day, playing games and having devotions, going over the school's honor code. All the parents come down for a potluck for supper. They had the retreat at Babler State Park and went on a scavenger hunt in the woods.
4. I had to take a ba-zillion ticks off of Jonathan last night. Unlike when I was a much younger mother and Hannah had 3 on her and I had a complete freak-out, I did pretty well. They were little boogers, really tiny. I searched him high and low and then had Matt inspect everywhere mom's of almost 10 yr. old boys aren't welcome. We ended up with a baggie of about 15. Yuck.
5. I'm taking Hannah and her 2 besties from school to the mall this afternoon. It's a post-birthday celebration for one of them. They are quickly becoming mall-a-holics. It's a disease that is highly contagious in teenage girls and it's effects reach the mom's who must taxi them around.
6. We are having to re-evaluate Hannah's love for independance and what is exactly safe and appropriate for a 8th grade girl. She isn't too happy that I am very anti-dropping them at the mall. I feel like they are fine in a group to walk around as long as I am IN the mall and we know where each other are. I am not comfortable leaving her (or her friends) at the mall and driving away. Yes, they have cell phones, but if I'm at home, that's 20 minutes away. It gives me the heebie-geebies and my gut says no. So, it's no for now. When I was in Jr. High, I was dropped off with a friend. But that was a loooonnnng time ago and in a different setting. What do you think?? Am I being overprotective??
7. I know this is one of many reestablishing of boundries. It's hard with your oldest. Just like when they are babies, I guess you just kind of have to figure out what works. The other 2 come up behind and you've learned from what you did with the first. I thankful for Hannah's obedient heart and pray that the Lord gives us wisdom in making all these decisions to come.
8. I'm not doing a very good job at down-sizing my committments. I'm a big talker, but when it comes to stepping back, I am compelled to stay. Led by emotions? obligation? being a panzy?
I just don't have an clear idea of where God wants me to be. I have lots and lots of places I want to be involved but it is impossible to do what I did last year. I need to have some clarity and direction. I feel like God's voice is being drowned out by all these other voices. How do I know what I'm suppose to do?
9. This isn't exactly a light and fluffy post, is it? Why so intropective lately??
10. Hannah *finally* got contacts this week. (finally is her word). She did great with them-- in and out so easy. Jonathan's new glasses are ordered and on the way and Katie had her first eye exam and did really well. She was nervous, but watched Hannah have hers and that helped that fear of the unknown. Healthy eyes. No glasses yet. I wanted to be sure since Jonathan got his glasses in 1st grade.
11. I haven't had my camera out very much lately. -- thus the reason for few photos posted. It makes me sad. So, I'm determined to try to take more pictures. Taking photos makes me happy:) I'm a simple gal.
12. I need some new music to load up on my iPod. Have any suggestions??
13. Misty Mays and Kerry Walsh won the Gold!! Go USA!!!!
Thanks for the Happy Birthday post! (and the wonderful surprise on our answering machine tonight --it made me smile and then want to cry ... how can that be?) I think you are doing an excellent job with raising your kiddos. I think God has given mothers intuition and your gut-feeling could be right on. And you are right about being a totally different time and setting for Hannah in the mall. So - there you go.
And about the songs for your iPod, well, here are a few of my favorites right now: Revelation Song by Gateway Worship, 2000 Years by Travis Cottrell, Whatever You're Doing by ? (can't remember who it's by) I love anything praise and worship. These could drown out all those other voices.
Wish you were here -- I went out for a little bit tonight to a local coffee house (I was by myself AND had iced tea instead of coffee) Now what is wrong with that picture?
Love you! Jacki
Tammy, I remember when Sarah was Hannah's age we also would not just drop her off at the mall and leave. She would complain that she was the only girl in her class whose mom stayed at the mall. But she survived and I think with all the crazies out there that you are a wise woman to not just drop her off and leave. She is a fine young lady,but it is all the nuts out there,not your trust in her. Parenting is hard and growing up in todays society is hard. I will pray for wisdom in finding out where God wants you to to be.
Love, Marilyn B.
Hey, you know Hannah looks the same in her contacts as she does without her glasses! Beautiful!!! She is such a sweetheart, and I agree, I could not drop her off at a mall and drive off, not in 2008 in the "city". It has nothing to do with trusting her, but there are too many warped people in the world, and she is too precious. Trust your gut! She will reach an age when you will have to turn loose a little more, but you will know when it arrives. You are doing a wonderful job with all your children, so just keep praying and God will guide you.
Love, Mom
Okay, first of all, during our 50 minute talk tonight you failed to mention Hannah's contacts...that's BIG news in the land of middle school! How fun! And no, you are not being overprotective about the mall...and you know her Bebe would stick up for her if you were being unfair! You're just being smart! As for the music, my new favorite song is I'm Yours by Jason Moraz...which you might already know about since it's your son who introduced the song to me...he's such a COOL 4th grader. I also love Matt Nathenson's (?) two latest songs! Love you guys soooo much!
Amy/Bebe Owens (hee hee...it still makes me laugh hearing the kids at school call me that!)
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