Much to Hannah's surprise, she was awarded the C.S. Lewis Award for Academic Excellence for a first year student at Wildwood on Friday night. Matt and I knew -- and Jonathan, right at the last minute, when I had to explain why he had to wear something other than a t-shirt. Hannah had no idea. She didn't really even know what awards were given out and thought they were going to be for the seniors. When Mr. Baker announced her name, she started clapping, and then looked at me and said, "Is that me???".
Obviously, we are so, so proud of her. She made a difficult transition this year and did so well. She's done well balancing her studies with all the other stuff teenage girls love to do. And she read books like Dante's Inferno, St. Augustine's Confessions, King Arthur, and Beowulf -- hardly Sweet Valley High, which was my reading pleasure in Jr. High.
The year was not tear-free, mind you, and we had a few nights that were overwhelming trying to get everything done. But I think she has learned how to prioritize and work ahead. She definitely has improved in her reading comprehension and her writing skills. All while really having *fun* at school, developing wonderful friendships and growing up.
Here she is with her Daddy, dressed in all his Dr. gear.
Stay tuned. I have a funny post just waiting to be blogged :p Pictures included.
Congratulations, Hannah!
I'm so proud of my girl!
Matt and you aren't the only ones proud of Hannah! She is as beautiful inside and as she is outside and she has a wonderful, kind, loving heart!!!! She is soooo deserving of this award and we are soooo proud of her!!!!!! And I am proud to be her aunt! Aunt Linda
Congratulations Hannah!!! What a wonderful memory and experience!
Hannah, we are so proud of you also. What an honor to be given that award. You must have worked very hard this year. (That list of book titles your mom posted in the blog sound a little difficult to me!) Awards or no awards -- you are definitely a super person who we admire and love very much. Jeff, Jacki and Maddy
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