Feeling particularly sappy tonight. Probably because it's 11:15 and I'm still up, but wanted to share with you all how incredibly blessed I am and what a wonderful birthday I had today. (yep, it was today-- the3 to the6) Really, there wasn't anything huge or suprising, but when I look back at the day, I did talk to almost everyone I love today. When you fill a day up with those phone calls and conversations, knowing that you have so many people who love you and who fill up your life, it is truly wonderful. My little family did special things for me. Not one but * 2*boxes of Lucky Charms for my very own (but I do share!). Yummy takeout for supper. Lots of hugs and kisses.
I get to spend the day tomorrow with my mom, which is the most precious gift to me. I love these few days here and there that we get to just be together. We giggle and talk. We shop and shop some more. Have a nice lunch and a coffee or ice cream. She is truly a wonderful, remarkable, irreplaceable blessing. I am so blessed to have her and be loved by her.
If you were one of those who called today, or thought of me, sent a card, or just are a loyal lurking reader of this little blog --- Thank you! You are a blessing!
{sorry, no current bday pics so here's one from last year} -- picture perfect coconut cupcake from Apt. 2.

"...or just are a loyal lurking reader..." That would be me Tammy! Happy Birthday to you!!
I would have called, had I known it was your birthday, so I'll just leave a comment as one of your loyal lurking readers!
Love ya!
You are truly loved by everyone who knows you well! I hope you feel this love everyday and not just on your birthday. You are so very very very special to all of us who are blessed to have you in our lives. Aunt Linda
Being your "Mom" is one of my biggest blessings! Yes, it was a beautiful day spent together, just shopping and being girls.A girl is a girl no matter the age, for I have found we don't age inside, just love more. I am glad you have the tender heart and insight to appreciate your birthday gifts--the people in your life. And you even share your Lucky Charms, what a big heart! I know those young'ns are glad you will share. Love you lots, my baby girl. Every day you are a blessing to me and so many others.
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