Monday, January 28


(taken Christmas day - 2007)

I know I left last time with a good report, but we had a week of ups and downs with Grandpa Phil. His body was just giving out and there wasn't anything left to do to help him recover, so on Sunday he came home with hospice. He was alert, and happy to be home. He spent his last day at home, surrounded by those he loved the most. He passed away tonight peacefully, with Grandma Ruth by his side, and we are so very sad. Our loss is one that, while expected, is hard to grasp, since Matt is 37 and like he said, can't imagine what life is like without him. I don't think there are enough adjectives to describe what a wonderful, incredibly kind, sweet, funny, loving man Grandpa was. He always thought the best about everyone, never said a bad word about anyone, and would give you his last dime. He loved his grandchildren and great-grandkids....they made his eyes just light up. He gave Katie the nick-name "The Big Show"... and from the time they were able to climb in the golf cart, he'd come riding down the hill behind Aunt Linda and Uncle Bob's house and the kids would squeal and run out the door for "golf cart rides" and off they'd go. Over the years, Laura and I sure filled up that cart with kids :)
If you knew him, you loved him. We are blessed that he was ours.

We'll be going home for the services and time with family. Keep Grandma and all the family in your prayers. Matt will be officiating the funeral, so say a prayer for him, too.


Anonymous said...

Our sincerest sympathy goes to all of the family--yes, Grandpa Phil will surely be missed, but his love,smile, and memories are here in that golf cart full of grandbabies. What a beautiful legacy. We are praying for all of the family, during this difficult time, and I know that the smiles will overcome the tears, as everyone recalls the beautiful life he shared with everyone. It is true,that everyone that knew him loved him. Our loss is Heaven's gain. May God bless and comfort you all. Love, Mom & Leon

Karen said...

Tammy, my heart breaks over your loss. Know you are being prayed for.

Karen Morris

Patti said...

What a legacy. You all are in our prayers. We love you all.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry for your loss of Grandpa Phil. We'll continue to pray for all of your family -- that the Lord would comfort you like only He can. Love to all -- Jeff, Jacki and Maddy

Anonymous said...

When your Mom and Leon were at the hospital on Monday for Emma's heart cath, she showed me your blog site. I have enjoyed it so much. I am so sorry to hear that Matt's Grandpa passed away leaving a profound void in your lives. He sounds like he was a very honorable man. May God comfort all of you in the days ahead..
Annetta Stith Martin