Friday, August 31

Shots, squirrels and sweet tea.

Random Friday afternoon thoughts:

  • Just took all 3 kids to the dr for check-ups. Everyone is growing right on schedule. My girls are exceptionally tall...which is not a news flash...and all 3 had to have shots. Bribed with ice cream cones, they put on their bravest faces and no tears were shed. We hadn't made a single trip to the dr. in a whole year. Thankful for healthy kids.
  • On the way home, I saw *2* people throw cigarette butts out of their car windows. What is up with that???? I can't stand litter-bugs. And I told them so -- safely in my van, windows up--I told them they were litter-bugs.

  • McDonalds has officially won my heart with their yummy-o-yummy sweet tea. Hugo size please. (yes, it has about 2 cups of sugar in it, that is why it is sooooo good)

  • I'm seriously considering cutting sugar out of my diet. My friend, Jacki, is my inspiration for doing this. I am pretty sure that I will not be able to do it like she has, with incredible self-control and diligence, but I think I may try. Darn McD's sweet tea.

  • I'm in the middle of performing a major surgery on Jon Carter's Playstation. I swear you can learn to do anything on the Internet. Cross you fingers I can get the thing back together after I "fix" it.

  • Kate announced today that she has a boyfriend at school. She said he asked her to be his girlfriend and she said, "o.k." This is only the beginning, I'm afraid. We've had a small incident with the little boy who lives behind us involving getting married. I'm thankful for the free shipping we get from Amazon, 'cause there has to be some parenting books out there for this kind of thing.

  • This is why we need Sagey here:
  • yes, that is a squirrel inside the bird feeder.
  • Only 2 days of working and I already have a holiday off. Sweet.

  • Have a great weekend, everybody.


Patti said...

Is he in there UPSIDE DOWN?!? Oh, my! Did I ever tell you my G'ma Swan had a pet squirrel named, Jethro? Have a wonderful weekend!

Patti said...

Your squirrel reminds me of the one from Ice Age. Determined little fella, isn't he?!?

Anonymous said...

How much are you selling that "bottled squirrel" for? That is a wonderfully hilarious photo--truly showing the determination of squirrels. They are so cute, yet SO mischievious. Yes, Sage lives on in our memories---what a sweet doggy and faithful watchdog.
I am proud of all 3 children doing so great at the doctor--and a "sweet tea" is perfect for you, my sweet daughter! Love you! Can hardly wait to see you on Monday. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to use the whole "we'll have ice cream afterwards" thing at our 4-year-old appointment (which includes shots). She just may go for that.

You could cut the sugar like I have (anyone can if I have). But maybe you should wait and not do it the 1st week of a new job -- it can cause a person to be very mean the first few days. HA!

Love you and let's talk real soon! Jacki