Here's my baby girl -- on her first day of 7th grade. She is a blessing in every way possible. Such a kind, generous heart... so funny, so helpful, so smart. Starting a new school isn't easy for anyone, but she's handled it well and seems to be enjoying it.
She's says it's a little 'weird' having her dad for a teacher. He says she did great in class and I think he really loves having her there with him. It's certainly different, me not being "in the know" about each and every detail about her school, taking her, dropping her off. I can't say that it isn't bothering me. Feeling a bit disconnected from them both...maybe even a bit jealous that he's entering into my territory as the parent who knows all the in's and out's of school. Not that I can't or won't be involved at her school, I just am new there too. I hate being new. But back to Hannah --- in her words , "it's awesome". You can't get much better than awesome.
We've all been missing Sagey so much. It's been a week and I'm still almost constantly aware she's not here. I'm hoping that time eases this feeling of loss. Just miss her so much. We had lots of time together here at home, me, Kate and Sage. It's weird to not worry about everybody's plate on the table, afraid she will snatch it if you walk away. So quiet when we come home. Just a big empty spot, ya know??
Another big change: I am now a part of the working world..not that I haven't been or will continue to work at home, but now have a part-time job working for a great company with fan-tabulous people. (and I'm not just saying that cause a couple of them read this blog ;) I'm a teeny bit clueless about some of what I'm doing, but I'm a quick learner. It's quite an adjustment for me and for my family, since I've been home with the kids since pregnant with Jonathan (who has his 9th b-day coming up) I'm blessed to be able to work while they are all at school, so for them it shouldn't be too much disruption. For me, it will be a balancing act but definitely do-able.
All-around, I think this a good time for a challenge for me, and a little help with $$ for the fam. So thankful for the time I've had with my kiddos at home. And it's hard to believe that season for us has ended. Worth more than any amount of money I could have made. Precious years. I'd never do it any other way...and now I have to stop or I'll short-circuit my laptop with my blubbering fountain of tears...
Love the pictures of Hannah and Matt and the group school-goers picture! Kate has the right idea, take lots of pictures!! (Our next photographer in the making.) Thank you for sharing the pictures, they are precious. I can't put into words how proud I am of all of you!!! You, Matt, and all 3 children are such blessings to us!
Love you all bunches! Mom & Leon
I just can't believe Hannah is the age she is! It's happened too fast for sure. She is definitely a precious young lady (and I still think about all the fun times with her as a toddler/preschooler -- just came across some pictures from that time in fact).
I hope the new job goes well for you. You really are inspiring -- reminding me of how special the time at home is and should be. Thank you for that --- and when I go back to work maybe you can give me some pointers on how to make it through the change. I've been thinking about you this week and praying that all is good with everything going on right now.
Love you all and miss you so much! Jacki
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