Today, just a random post of this and that.
- I'm enjoying the photography class I'm taking with Patti and Cathy. We are learning alot, and it definitely makes you want to take more pictures...because, ya know, I don't take enough ;)
- My sweet husband took me to see "Becoming Jane" (see previous post for my blah, blah, blah about JA) Anyhoo-- it was wonderful. I cried. Alot. Happy and sad tears. It is a definite go-see.
- I have taught myself to crochet via video tutorials online. It's amazingly relaxing. Right now I'm just buzzing along, not really making anything, just stitching my stress away.
- Why do all minor expenses come at one time, making one expensive month??? ex. car license renewed, eye exams, dog shots, school supplies, etc. etc. etc.

- My baby is starting pre-K next week. 3 mornings. It's basically to ease Me into the idea of having her gone during the day. Be sure to set your watch for one year from now to be ready for the major mommy depression that is sure to ensue.
- I have a dear friend, Fern, in Hawaii right now. Please pray for her safety as the hurricane passes.
- A super great website if you love to read or are looking for book recommendations is Cool idea and way to network with people who like the same kinds of books. Check it out!
- It seems like lately we've been blessed with re-connecting with old friends. They are just popping up all over. It's wonderful to catch up and be reminded of all the wonderful people who have been a part of your life at one point or another.
- We have tomatoes coming out of our ears!
- I think I'm ready for a change in the hair dept. Not sure what, but I'm wanting something different. I always toy with the idea of going really short, then back out. Hmmmm. Any ideas out there???
- I'm going to continue our Italy trip photo journey... will we ever be done?? Yes, just a few more posts, I promise. Today, here a some pics from our morning visit to Pompeii, the city that was destroyed by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 72 AD. This is a case where you really just have to be there to understand the magnitude of the experience. It rained ash for 3 days. The pictures don't give you the feeling that you get as you walk along the streets and in the houses. So amazing. So sad. It was probably what I was least excited about doing, that I was most effected by. We all agreed that it was overwhelming and mind-blowing. Here are just a few images from Pompeii:
<<--the city streets full of businesses and homes.
<<-- how did they make such incredible architecure so long ago???
Hey, Momma-you crack me up sometimes! Yes, please post often! Glad you're back to the Italy posts. Can't help but think of your trip when I see the photo of your tomatoes. My limited globe-trotting experience, I think Italy and tomatoes just go together. Ha! Well, at least the colors are very tuscan. ;)
Well I check at least every other day for a new post - and yes, I'm disappointed when there is not one!!! I just love the pics of Italy!!!! They are wonderful!!! Keep us going on this journey. Miss and love you. Aunt Linda
So good to have the blog going again! I love the tomato photo and as always, the Italy trip is fun, fun, fun, even when the stop along the way is serious, it makes one consider all that goes into life and history.
Well, I gotta go---going to spend the day with my sweet daughter--I can hardly wait! See you soon, Tammy Lynn!
Love, Mom
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