Thursday, May 3

News Alert: Tomorrow is Friday

--- Looking sooo forward to tomorrow. My cabinets are being delivered and my Hannah is coming home from camp. Big Day. Fun Day. Yee---Haw!!!!

But I also can't miss today's birthday "shout-out" to Sage a.k.a. Sagey-Pookers. Our Sagey turns 10 today. She celebrated by getting in to the trash. I guess everyday is a celebration to her, cause she seems to get into the trash everyday. But, today she also enjoyed a PB&J that was suppose to be for Katie's lunch. Happy Birthday, Sagey. Hope she enjoyed it cause when I get those cabinets in, I've got a big shocker for ol' Sagey : a pull-out trash can cabinet. The days of trash-scavengering are over, baby.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at the 2 of you -- you look like twins! What a great Friday you'll have -- cabinets & Hannah! I hope Hannah had a super time at camp. Love you all! Jacki