My poor boy. Tonight was his 2nd scheduled ball game and the 2nd 'rain-out'. Both times he was in full uniform and at the ball park when the game got called. I just knew it tonight, when it was getting darker and darker, as we got ready to go that as soon as we headed out it would start to rain --- sure enough. Turned on the wipers as we turned into the ball park. So ---
We are back home, just me, Jonathan and Katie. Finished up the section of the dining room I was painting --- by the way, I am *the messiest* when it comes to getting paint all over me. I get it absolutely everywhere!!! ---- And going to chill out to American Idol.
Missing Hannah, wondering what all she's been up to, how she's doing. Kate is in major "Sissy" withdrawl. She has even called for her a couple of times.
That's about it, I guess. Not real 'newsy'. Since I haven't taken any baseball pictures yet this season, I'll share a few from earlier years...
Love that middle photo of Jonathan in action! I know he's just itchin' to play ball. Hopefully, he'll get a chance soon. Hang in there, buddy!
Congratulations on the painting---can't wait to see it all. Kate and Jonathan will be excited to have their sister home (and I know Mom and Dad have really missed her too). Jonathan will eventually get to "play ball"--but oh, the disappointment when you are 8 and love ball as much as he does. I feel sorry for him. He will savor the moment when he does get on the field again. I love the pictures, and can see a future "Cardinal" in the making.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, we are here for you. Love, Mom
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