Monday, April 30

This and That

{ a page from a while back}

Been busy the last few days. The house is moving along. Cabinets will be delivered Friday and installed on Monday. So, I have lots to do to finish getting ready, make a spot for them to sit for the weekend, etc. etc.

Today I drove Hannah (+ friends) to 6th grade camp. This picture is of her and one of her friends since Kindergarten looking at their cabin assignments and roommates. She was out-of-her-mind-excited! This is her first time to stay away from us for any length of time without being around family. I think there are about 100 6th graders for the week. They will go caving, fishing, do art projects, all that kind of stuff. I can't wait to hear all about it. She took her address book to write in all her new friends she's going to make :) I got a teeny bit (o.k. a little more than that) sad when I drove away. I know she'll be fine. They have a nurse on staff, she's a very cautious girl, I'm not worried about her. Really. I just miss her. She's so fun to have around. She's a big help. And it will just be weird around here without her.

I went to Patti's house yesterday afternoon for some scrap-therapy. I made this picture book for Kate of zoo pictures I've collected over the years. The zoo is her absolute Favorite place to go. It's her special place with BeBe. I had promised her a book a while back and finally got around to putting it together. She's laying down for rest time with it this afternoon, "reading" her new book. Got the album at the dollar store --

I also have to say that Patti whipped us up the yummmmmmiest supper last night --- a'la Barefoot Contessa. Delicious fresh veggies, potatoes, roasted chicken and strawberry/blackberry shortcake. So good. Thanks, Patti Sue!

Baseball pics to come. Two games this week. My boy is the starting catcher. He's too cute in that gear. Although, he walks a little like a storm trooper from Star Wars.
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Patti said...

It's exciting to watch them spread their wings, but so hard, too. Love the layout-I hadn't seen that one. And I love the photo in the window! You didn't mention that you did ALOT of the dinner. Thanks, I had a great time, too!

Anonymous said...

Hannah is growing up too fast. Where are the years going? I'm so excited for you about your cabinets. It's about time, right? I love the layout -- you really need to send something in to be published. And I'd love to see some of the filler pages from the zoo book. Great idea! I bet Kate loves it. Tell everyone "hi" from all of us. Love you and miss you, Jacki

Anonymous said...

I am happy for Hannah, as I know she has looked forward to this all year. You will miss her, but she will have sooo much to tell you when you pick her up, it will be great.
Hooray for the cabinets---this time next week they should be installed and you will be snapping photos to share, right?!!
Kate's zoo book is adorable. Can't wait to peek inside, I know she will treasure it always.
Bet Jonathan is a wonderful catcher, and cute as can be. Hope to get to come to watch him play.
Thanks for blogging---it lets us all enjoy your talents and be a part of your activities. You are loved! Mom