Thursday, April 19

Childlike Faith

Kate and her Daddy found this little egg in the yard the other day. She fell completely *in love* with it...and decided that she would be the momma to this egg and to the baby bird that she was sure would hatch from it. For a couple of days she nutured and watched over the little egg. She made up big stories about the horrible fate the baby's parents had met, how they were now in heaven ( we are still answering a lot of death/heaven questions ) and how she was now the momma. No matter how many times we explained that there wouldn't be a baby bird, she believed. The natural maternal instinct in her was in overdrive. She has such a simple, beautiful way of believing what she knows is true. Unwavering, yet still teachable. Baby birds come from eggs. Simple. Not long after taking these pictures outside, she came to tell me the egg went, in her words, "splat". But---it's ok because there wasn't a birdy in that one. She's looking for another one. She's sure the next one will need a momma.

I want to have this simple faith. In believing what I know is true. In finding beauty and life in little things. In hope and goodness.
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Anonymous said...

Oh my yummy!! The picture, the story....YUMMY! I absolutely adore that Katie Rose! Thanks for the delicious dinner and lovely company last night. Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures and beautiful story! I am sure that Kate will find a new "baby" to take care of real soon. Her faith is precious and we can all learn so much from her. Thanks for the chance to see the little egg, from which faith springs. Love you lots!

Patti said...

OMG! I'm crying thank you very much! That child is amazing especially in front of your camera. I hope you'll scrap those very soon. I see a yummy Teresa Collins inspired mini in your future. LOVE THEM! P

Anonymous said...

These are amazing pictures! You are really becoming quite the pro at the whole photography thing. And how easily these pics will inspire you when scrapping them. How fun! And what a gorgeous girl -- I know another little girl who would've loved to be on this whole bird adventure with Kate! Love you and miss you all, Jacki

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That Katie Rose is certainly photogenic. (And her mommy takes really good pictures.) And she is certainly a special, special child of God - and so much fun to be around - as the whole clan is. Miss you all. Aunt Linda