The Cabinets are Coming! The Cabinets are Coming!!!!!!!! (that definitely deserves lots of exclaimation points) Should be here installing them the beginning of next week. I'm a little in denial because I don't want my hopes dumped on again, but this time I think it's gonna actually happen. So... I've been using this week to do the painting that needs done before they come to put them in. I've had a hard time finding big blocks of time to make the kind of progress I'd like to, but every little bit is closer to being done than it was before, right? By this weekend, I should be able to post some finished painted dining room pics for you. I can't wait to show you all the whole sha-bang, and post before/after pictures. I can't believe this is finally going to be finished. Then the fun part of decorating starts. I've got some ideas of things I'd like to do...but first things first.
I hadn't taken out my camera all week, so I took a break this morning and went outside to take a few. Kate's been in roly-poly heaven, has been on the front porch enjoying the new roly-poly family she's collected. In her words, "They are soooo cute!"... um... ok.... She denies with vigor that they are actually bugs (which by the way she is completely afraid of). Anyhooo, I took a few pictures this morning I thought I'd share real quick.
This little guy and I had a good time playing hide and seek. He's been frequenting our feeder a lot lately.
This is Sage's favorite spot. Looking out the window, guarding the house from squirrels, mail carriers, and the like.
Be checking for progress pictures. It won't be long now!
Yes, it is almost over!!!!!! Yea!!!! You certainly deserve to have this "new" kitchen. Just wish I was there to help you paint, clean up, etc. Can't wait to see it and all of you. Love and kisses to each of you. Aunt Linda
I was just thinking earlier today about those cabinets of yours -- wondering if you had them yet. I can't wait to see it all! I'm thrilled for you. It's been a long time coming! Love you and miss you, Jacki
Wow--You are getting cabinets? You have got use to your new family room, and soon, you will get to enjoy the new kitchen and dining room to. I know it will be beautiful, and worth all the work, and what a sense of accomplishment, right? I think the picture of Sage is adorable--that is truly "her spot". You did catch your little feathered friend having lunch, and it is so sweet, but as for the roly-polys, I kind of have the same sentiments you do about them, but am glad Kate is enjoying her latest critter to nurture.
I look forward to those before and after pictures, and seeing those cabinets! Wow! Love you Lots! Mom
I'm so excited for you! Can't wait for you to be enjoying your new completed kitchen. Hoping you'll go for it and paint the wall where your lovely desk is an accent color-remember, it's only paint! :)
Oh, and LOVE the birdie pics! Can't wait to see you scrap that photo of Sage,too. P
I am excited for you. Remember good things come to those who wait - but we don't want to wait forever, right? Anyway, cute pics. Hope you get your wish.
Love, Aunt Patty
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