Saturday, March 31

A Post with Many Titles

Old News and New News.

My Birthday ----
Here's a couple of my favorite pictures from my bday at my mom's house. She set such a pretty table, with daffodils. And made homemade noodles, like my Grandma always made. They are one of my favorite comfort foods and I made myself completely sick eating waaayy to many then having apple pie, but it was worth it. I love this picture of Katie helping her cut the noodles. So sweet.

Moving on... here's a couple from our visit back home for, yes, more birthday celebrations. What can I say, we are party animals.
<---<---Sweet Sagey Love Grandma Ruth turned 91 on the 22nd. I can only hope I look that good at 91. She's a beauty.
Now for the most current goings-on.
We tackled the shed which included:
2 trips to Home Depot,
several evening hours
getting soaking wet in pouring rain
the occasional $%@##& word
muscles that I don't have
communication and cooperation by my husband with his very hormonal wife
and last but not least -- the brut strength of my manly man
We worked on it for a looong time Thursday evening until it was too dark. Then on and off in the rain on Friday. The roof was a pain in the arse. Four panels that did *not* want to fit. It took all we could do to manage getting the first panel in. Fast forward to Friday evening. I took Hannah to Khol's to get some church outfits and come home to a finished shed. What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man. He soaped that baby up and shoved it together. Botta-bing. Botta-boom. ---- The only thing he forgot was to bolt it on, because he didn't read the instructions, but he'll get to that today. The instruction reading was my job. (notice in blurry picture). The best thing about the whole project, other than now our back yard won't look like hoosiers live here anymore--- was that I was pretending we were doing a challenge for The Amazing Race. Gives you a glimpse into my wacky brain.
On the weekend agenda--- pre-Italy shopping with Amy. We don't have many weekends between now and then when we can go together. Looking for cheap tanks, skirts, comfy shoes, stuff like that. Sunday is Grace Girl's discipleship group and Opening Day for the Cardinals. That in itself is blogworthy... Wear Red on Sunday!!!!

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Patti said...

Hooray! for birthdays and brut strength! Matt's determination paid off handsomely. That's one nice shed!

Anonymous said...

You guys have been soooo busy! You and Matt did a terrific job with assembling the shed--I am sure that too is a day you will long remember! Loved the pictures of the progress, and Grandma Ruth, and all the birthday celebrations!
Hope you have a productive day shopping and preparing for Italy--yes, it is important to consider your wardrobe in the Italian and Greecian landscapes. You might want to take at least "3" Cameras--a back-up and a "back-up" for the back-up! To assure that you capture every moment, and share with us when you get home. I am thrilled for you all getting to take this journey and journal all the adventures.
Back to the closer-at-hand, Monday, I get to spend with 2 of my favorite people in the whole world! I can hardly wait! See you then. Love Always, Mom