Thursday, October 8

Dear Mr. Webster:

What makes someone Family?

The blood that runs through their veins?
Being born?
Living in the same house as someone?
Growing up with them?

Attending weddings, funerals, reunions?
Does it happen when you call on their birthday or send a Christmas card?

What if you share the same name? Does that make you Family?
And what exactly does that mean?

Define Family for me.
I'll admit that there are times that the lines are blurry ----
I have people in my life that genetics would say are not my family, yet I love them as if they were and would give my life for them.

And... I have blood relatives who are virtually strangers. We know *of* each other but don't know each other at all.

The first, I am clear on, the second has me confused and wondering....
What is Family?
And where do I go from there?


Mom said...

"Family" as defined by Random House Dictionary is :1. parents and their children. 2.any group of persons closely related by blood or marriage. 3.a group o related things or persons.
I have found that "family" really goes beyond "knowing" the people. It is a connection, sharing common blood, ancestors, memories, and although we cannot always know each one in our family as much as we would like, due to situations, locations, and time, still that "link" known as "family" is there. Then there are "friends"--sometimes our family can be friends, and sometimes not, but I believe this may be an even more difficult word to define. Thanks for causing me to think. I love you my dear "family/friend" daughter. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is a deep one! Really a deep question to think about on a Friday night! (but a good post just the same)

Wish all of you could be here for Maddy and Jeff's family party tomorrow -- you ARE like family to us, ya know

Love you! Jacki

Anonymous said...

To me, it is all in the heart!!! The love God has put in our heart for that person or persons makes us family . . . and if it is truly God that has made that love, then it will be there forever. Love you, honey. Aunt Linda