Monday, July 6

more coming soon ...

Have lots to share from our wonderful weekend. Took lots of photos and have been having way to much fun editing and playing with them... I'll get them on here tomorrow!  I will say that there are very few friends in your life that you are 100% yourself with, who you feel like they are family, and we are so thankful to have Jeff, Jacki and Maddy as ours.  
Getting ready this week for vacation. With my stress level where it's been lately, it can not come soon enough. I'm going to make a very conscience effort to let it all just float away and *relax*. No worries, right?

In the meantime, I'm making a list of all the stuff to do before we go and willingly acknowledging that 1/2 of it may not get done. But, I'll put it on there anyway because I like to make myself crazy like that. :)


Anonymous said...

I love the picture!

We feel the same about all of you! We are so blessed to have you as "ours" also!

We love you and miss you already!

P.S. one of the houses across the street from us just went up for sale today!!!!! hint, hint!

Mom said...

What a sweet picture! I am glad you got to spend time with dear friends, and I know you will have a wonderful vacation--sun, sand and sea! Just remember, you really don't have to do all those things before you go. Just take a few clothes and leave all your worries at home. Wish I could sneak into your suitcase. Looking forward to the pictures. Love you bunches!!! Mom

Mom said...

What a sweet picture! I am glad you got to spend time with dear friends, and I know you will have a wonderful vacation--sun, sand and sea! Just remember, you really don't have to do all those things before you go. Just take a few clothes and leave all your worries at home. Wish I could sneak into your suitcase. Looking forward to the pictures. Love you bunches!!! Mom

Mom said...

What a sweet picture! I am glad you got to spend time with dear friends, and I know you will have a wonderful vacation--sun, sand and sea! Just remember, you really don't have to do all those things before you go. Just take a few clothes and leave all your worries at home. Wish I could sneak into your suitcase. Looking forward to the pictures. Love you bunches!!! Mom

Mom said...

What a sweet picture! I am glad you got to spend time with dear friends, and I know you will have a wonderful vacation--sun, sand and sea! Just remember, you really don't have to do all those things before you go. Just take a few clothes and leave all your worries at home. Wish I could sneak into your suitcase. Looking forward to the pictures. Love you bunches!!! Mom

Anonymous said...

Love the picture!!! I'm sooooo glad you had a wonderful weekend with Jacki and family. Knew you would! And I'm sooooo happy you get to go to Florida for some R and R. When do you leave? I'll think of you everyday having fun. Love, Aunt Linda

Trista said...

I love the Magic House! I have not took the boys yet but we will be going soon! That is so cool that we live close to each other.