Monday, January 5

You know the deep affection, you could even call it passion, that I have for Target. I *puffy heart* Target. Though I admit to the occasional feeling of not wanting to go due to tiredness and/or spending the way-to-much money that is inevitable, I find Target can be theraputic. Aimlessly walking around, finding new goodies, or a super deal on clearance is a simple happiness. But now I can honestly say that Target and I have a deeper connection.

I got a mailer today with coupons. --- And almost every single one is something that I buy regularly!! How do they do that? Are we that in sync? I mean even 50 cents off of the Market Cheese block I buy to take to work to have with my crackers. Isn't that amazing?? (and a little creepy?)

*if you got the same coupons, don't ruin it for me. I'd like to think we have something special between the two of us:)


Anonymous said...

Whatever makes you happy, honey, I'm all for!!!!! Even if it is Target coupons - ha! Now me, that beachhouse Hannah and I want is what would make me truly happy . . . and to have all of you in it with me (or at least close by). Let's see . . . Target coupons, beachhouse. Hmmmm. Says a lot, doesn't it? Love you. Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is definitely a "connection" there between you and your Target! Everyone needs a get away from the daily and wandering through the aisles looking for a small treasure can certainly be that escape. Happy Targeting and may 2009 bring lots of bargains and "great finds"! You are certainly my daughter, for I totally understand what you mean. Sure do love you! Mom