Happy 2009, everyone! I'm ringing in this new year with a day full of no-expectations. I have things I want to do, things I'm going to do, but nothing that *has* to be done. Ahhhh. So nice.
It's after 12:30 in the afternoon and I'm still in my jammies and drinking coffee, watching "Cheaper by the Dozen" with Hannah and in general hanging out mode. I do realize that I've not blogged about Christmas and all the celebrating that went on and thought that a recap was in order.
I have missing disk of photos that my mom and Leon gave me of our time in Springfield ... you can see a few of her pictures on her blog linked in my sidebar. Otherwise, I'll have to go with what I have of mine.
Christmas Eve we met up with the kids at Matt's Mom and Mike's house. They had been staying with Amy and Doug ( brave souls:) for a few days and I'm missed them like crazy even though I was beyond busy. We had a combo-birthday party that night for Rob, Emily and Hannah -- lots and lots of fun.
<<-- singing "happy birthday"
<<--- Laura & Amanda
<<-- Emily, just turned 6, with her newly pierced ears.
Then the Christmas Eve traditions of cookies & milk for Santa, opening new jammies, and for the grownups, going to bed way to late.
I wish that I could bottle and sell the excitement, joy and magic of Christmas morning with a little one who really truly believes that Santa came, ate the goodies and left her a full stocking and "just what she wanted". So, so beautiful. In Katie Rose's words, "He's Magic!"
What's even better is what she wrote on the note she left for Santa.
"Dear Santa, I've been very good. Christmas isn't all about presents. It's about Jesus' Birthday. I just wanted to remind you."
<<<--- this will be one of my favorites forever. Sleepy-headed girl ready for the morning to begin.
<<---stockings are always a favorite part of the morning.
<<<-- my boy with his cowboy rubber bullet rifle. A step down from the Air-Soft he wanted, but it's all in due time. He was super excited!
<<<--- Hannah's new coat. This was the one she really wanted but was sure (and had been told) that she wasn't getting. Santa came through, though. With her black hat she looks like she should be in Paris.
<<-- a rare picture of me on Christmas morning...Katie and I were getting the Polly Pocket boat ready to play. I'm pretty brave to post sans makeup, aren't I?
<<-- fun new puppet theater
<<-- Ben was very interested in the Chef puppet... uh-oh.
Later that day, off to Aunt Linda and Uncle Bob's house to celebrate. Huge, yummy turkey dinner and presents. Lots of love and memories made. Our first Christmas without Grandpa Phil made it bittersweet. Still, a good good day.
<<<<-- me and Amy :)
<<<--- matching pink boots for the cousins. (look how they are holding hands..too cute)
<<<--- baby Sarah, shaking her head "No" at my attempt to take her picture. Those little eyebrows speak loud and clear!
Up and at'em early the next morning for our family to travel north to Springfield to be with my Mom and Leon at Aunt Patty and Uncle Joe's house. We had a wonderful day together. Aunt Patty should win a reality show for "super-chef" making the whole meal without an oven, even baking pie in her big roaster.
<<<-- (courtesy of Mom's blog) Me, Aunt Patty and Mom.
<<<--- look who is almost as tall as his Grandma.
Guess what --- back to Southern Illinois --- for Hannah's 14th Birthday. Yes, it's hard to believe that my baby is 14. I'm so proud of her and I'm excited (and a little scared to death) about what's coming up for her in these next years. They are such fun times, I know they were for me. I want her to enjoy being a teenager, being young and having fun -- because once you grow up reality can kinda stink. Ya know what I mean??
Anyway, we had Hannah's birthday dinner (her choice: greek salad, mashpotatoe casserole, roasted asperagus, and rosemary-garlic rubbed steaks. Garlic bread to throw it over the edge. Then Grandma Virginia's chocolate pound cake and Cheesecake w/strawberries)
My girl knows how to plan a menu!!!
<<-- Hannah Elizabeth, on her 14th birthday.
Now we've been back home for almost a week. Back to work for me, which has been quiet and fairly non-eventful. Last night we had our traditional finger-food supper w/chocolate fondue for dessert New Year's Eve at home. We use Aunt Linda's old 70's fondue pot and the kids love it so much. Hannah won our game of St. Louis Monopoly, which Kate declared a really boring game -- until I let her be the banker.
If you are still reading, bless your heart. I just wanted to share (and document) that while I always have a moment of Bah-Humbug during the holidays, I truly do love being with our loved ones. We are so rich in blessings and in having so many people who love us. The hassles of packing and traveling and going-going-going are worth it in the end. And next year when I start my hissy fit, please link me back to this post ;)
On to 2009. Fresh. New. If it isn't different than last year, it's because I've done the same things I've always done. If I want different results, I have to make different choices, right?
I'm in process of writing down the changes I'd like to make --- a first for me, since I usually just make a mental note and then forget all about it.
I have my own health and well-being on the list, as well as relationships that I want to nuture. We'll see what comes.
I do know that I want to be here more often, writing about our lives. I like that this is my little space in the world. And I've given up any real pressure if people are reading or not. That has definitely helped me want to blog. So, I guess that is my disclaimer that this may become a place where I really lay it out there, or where I share stupid thoughts that I just need out of my head. Either way, if you come and visit, (and actually read my ramblings) I'm so glad to have you.
May 2009 be full of joy and peace and happiness for you and yours! Happy New Year!!!
Soooo good to have you back!! I have missed you, even though we talk most every day. It is great to your website and see the pictures and read your thoughts. Yes, I too have a "mental" list of thing to accomplish in 2009. So far I have not put them on paper (a safe way of not having to face it if I don't get them done, huh?). I loved seeing the children's smiling faces and watching memories be made. Thanks for sharing. Love Always, Mom
Hey there! What a great post! I don't even know where to begin on commenting -- I loved the update about the holidays and Hannah's birthday! Hannah cannot be 14! This just cannot be -- I did tell you about what Maddy says whenever we here the word "teenager", right? She says, "ya know, a teenager like Hannah Heckel!" I love it! (But it still cannot be true that she's 14!) anyway... loved hearing about everything! Love and miss you, Jacki
Love, love, love the post. Such a wonderful Christmas we had...it just went by too quickly. So glad you're back to posting (not that Doug and I can say much about that!). I've missed reading it. LOVE you all and MISS you all!
Even though we shared lots of these memories with you, I still love to read your posts and I certainly LOVE the pics! We did have a good time, didn't we? I love the part about the next time we have a hissy fit, we need to look back and remember the fun we had. I need that, too, ha! Miss you and can't wait for the next time we are all together. LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Aunt Linda
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