Friday, November 21

Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?

In honor of my love for "the Dr." ...

I thought I'd post this Article I read today. Now, I'm not the biggest GunsNRoses fan, though some of their songs take me directly back to highschool. But this deal with Dr. Pepper makes me very happy.

So, I'm sharing the love. Sunday, Dr. Pepper is giving coupons to all of America for a free Dr. Pepper, a.k.a. Tammy's life-blood. Seriously, the first sip is heavenly each and every day.

Coffee in the morning and Dr.Pepper in the afternoon = happiness.

A few fun-facts from the Dr. Pepper website: It is the oldest soft drink in the US, created in 1885.

It has 23 flavors, and was once declared, "not a soft drink" by a judge because of all it's flavors. See how fancy it is?

It was first intorduced at the 1904 World's Fair, and was known for many years as "the King of Beverages".

1952, they introduced Diet Dr. Pepper, which of all the diet drinks is my very favorite, but I don't do so well with artificial sweetners.

In 1958: people started drinking it hot w/a slice of lemon. What???

They opened a Dr.Pepper museum in the original factory in 1991.

--- We're doing a little dress shopping for Hannah's winter formal this weekend and have our Thanksgiving dinner for church. Otherwise, I'm just going to be getting my lists together and some pre-prep done for Thanksgiving. Mom and Leon and my Aunt Patty, Uncle Joe, Cassie and Jeremy are coming to our house and I'm so excited to have everybody here. I just need to make my to-do lists, and my to-buy lists, and my to-cook-when lists and then I'll be set.

Happy Weekend to You!


Anonymous said...

Happy dress shopping!!!! And I can't wait for you all to get here on Thanksgiving night!!!! As for the Dr Pepper - I'll leave those for you. Soft drinks, ugh!!! Love you, Aunt Linda

Anonymous said...

"Yes, I'd like to be a Pepper too!" One of my first memories of Dr. Pepper is from my childhood. When I wasn't feeling well, Dad would bring home a few sodas for me. It was very rare when I was about 6-10 years old for us to have any soft drinks in the house. When one wanted to get a drink, you were sent to the waterbucket, and got a big dipper of water. Anyway, back to the sodas, I can also remember getting orange Nehi, and Royal Crown Cola, but Dr. Pepper was the fixer-upper. I was home with measles, mumps, and chicken-pox, at various times, and had to stay in bed for about a week each time, and got some special treats like soft drinks. The one thing I remember playing with is the ball bearings from the tractors, which Dad would bring in when he was overhauling the tractor, and I had a magnet that I played with them with. Those were the days I can recall studying the floral designs in the wallpaper, and imagining that the ceiling was the floor and what it would be like to walk on it, and have to step over every doorway as you changed rooms. Now all of these memories are brought to you by your friendly Dr.Pepper reminisces. On Thursday we make more fabulous memories for the kids to pass on to their kids. Love you all so very much.

Kelly said...

I have pictures in an "I'm a Pepper" nightgown. I LOVED it! The Dr. is one of my favorites too. And how funny about hot with a lemon. My friend Andrea said that is how they always drank it at the Crisp's house when she was growing up. Like apple cider, but Dr. Pepper. That was the first I had heard of it this summer.