Starting with a hometown football game and ending with an afternoon at Grandma's -- jam packed. I went with Doug and Amy to a real grown-up party...a novel thing when Chuck-E-Cheese is where I usually do my partying. Obviously by the photos, it was a Halloween party and we had a blast dressing up --- me as Audrey Hepburn as Holly Go-Lightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's , Amy as gymnast Shawn Johnson and Dougger as Michael Phelps. I wish I had a good picture of Doug with his goggles on but he was such a trooper in that swimcap all evening.
I've been trying to do better about taking my camera out more lately. I think it's a mixture of just plain being lazy and so crazy busy. I did take a couple of Hannah the other day that I really love. They show her just being her...with a new hair-do and hot new sunglasses. I edited this one a little to give it a retro feel...
I've been coming up with a mental list of pet-peeves to post. Random, I know, but I guess I just need to be "heard" and wonder if you all ever feel like this:
** on the way to school/work the other day not one but 2 different people in front of me threw their cigarettes out the window. Nothing get's me going like a litter-bug. And whether or not they know it, cigarettes are litter.
** Another thing that drives me crazy is the whole 'putting-the-new-roll-of-toliet-paper-on-top-of-the-holder' thing. Stick the dang tube thingy in it and put it on like it's suppose to go. 2 seconds. (that's not just at home, it drives me crazy anywhere)
** Flaky people. You know them. One way and then another. You know not to count on them, or trust them too much, or depend on them...because they are flaky. All layers and nothing solid. People like that drive me crazy.
** Paper is on my list lately, too. Since school started paper is taking over my house. It is insane the forests that could have been saved by the amount of paper that makes it's way through our house. Graded papers, newsletters, notes, and then adding in the magazines, junk mail, get the drift.
**I know that it's something that I could fix if I took the notion, but I'm consistently irritated by the fact that every single clock in my house has a different time. It's that way at work too. What time is it really?? Does anyone really know?? or are we all just guessing?
I'd better stop, so that my blog doesn't become a gripefest. It's all sunshine, rainbows and lollipops here :)
Be on the lookout for some updates to the blog. I'm getting bored with the same old look ... it's time to spice it up a little.
You are so right...the weekend was FAB!! (Hee hee...was the "fab" for my benefit???) It was so fun to have you guys here...and to have you at the par-ty!! Oh..and I am right there with you on the cigs out the window thing. I just had a talk with my kiddos last week about people who throw litter out the car window (trying to get to them early!). Love you and miss you!
Hey, so good to have you back. I've been missing your posts. Looks like it was a fun party and you looked fabulous as Audrey Hepburn. I like the picture of Hannah. Reminds me of you when you were in high school. Can't wait to see what new things you do with your blog. I am still trying to learn the basics. I will need to schedule a lesson with you. Thanks for sharing your time and thoughts. It's always fun to open your site and find something new.
Love you Lots!
Yes, it was fun having you here!!! It is always fun being with your family. Does Jon Carter have a black eye? Keep working on the blog - I love it when there is a new post. Love you all. Aunt Linda
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