10 years ago:
There were just 3 of us.
Then he was born.
Our little boy.
Jonathan Carter ....
A boy with a blue bear, silky ribbon and blonde curls. A boy who loved Thomas and Barney. "Brother" to his big sister. Always wanting to cuddle, always wanting to read stories.
A boy I could drag around with me anywhere, happy, quiet and content. Who loved to pretend, dress up like a pirate and sword fight, and occasionally let his sister make him over.
This boy who loved "stick ball" and "Pu-hodge" (hockey and Pujols) .... able to sit and watch ball games at the youngest age. Loving to play ball outside with Dad. It didn't matter if it was basketball, baseball or football...
This boy who has a heart of gold. Full of kindness and honesty. A true friend and loving brother. Protective and caring. "man of the house #2"
Today, my sweet boy is turning 10. double digits. a whole decade. I am absolutely, completely in love with this boy. He has my heart. I am proud of the young man he is and is becoming. Strong, and gentle, like his daddy. Smart and funny like his momma (he he) ...
Happy Birthday, my boy.
I am absolutely and completely in love with this boy, too. As I tell him every time I see him, he is the best boy in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My life is so much better because he is in it!!! Jon Carter's Aunt Linda (and proud of it!)
I so fondly remember the day he was born---can it be 10 years??!! It was so much fun to celebrate with our "double-digit" birthday boy last evening. Jonathan is such a sweet, handsome young man, and we sure do love him, and watching all of his intelligence and talents emerge is part of the bonus's of being grandparents. So happy to get to celebrate with you all!! Love, Grandma Virginia & Grandpa Leon
Your post brought tears to my eyes. It was so sweet and so true. I can remember where so many of those pictures were taken and all the fun memories that go with them. You and Matt have raised such a kind, sweet, well-rounded boy...and his Bebe is not biased at all!!!!
Happy birthday, Jonathan! We tried calling you on your birthday -- no answer and no answering machine. We figured you had messages galore. We love you and hope you had a great birthday! 10 YEARS OLD????? It cannot be! Love, Jeff, Jacki, and Maddy
I miss my favorite student!! Jonathan was always willing to help and always the one I could count on no matter what I asked. I miss him and his wonderful family! Happy 10th Birthday Jonathan!! With Love, Ms. Quest....but you can call me Leigh Ann now!!! :)
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