Monday, June 23

Keep checking

We are back from a short, but wonderful trip to Florida. Doug and Amy are married!!! Hooray!!!
It was a really special weekend and I have tons of fun pictures to share and things to tell you. But the problem is my computer is completely done. D-O-N-E. I'm going to attempt to strip and re-boot it and start fresh. Cross your fingers.
So for now, I'm on Matt's Mac (which is definitely growing on me) but he doesn't want all my pictures eating up his memory-- understandable-- so I'm loading them one at a time onto Picnik to edit them. I like Picnik, but it's not Picasa and definitely not Adobe, so it's slow going. Then I save them to my Flickr account. 
For the life of me, I can't figure out how to blog from Flickr. I have it set up like they say but it just isn't working for me. Argghhhhh......
So all you get today is this post. Where I say, "I still here" and "Please come back". 
If I can get them on there the way I want, I'll post a link to my Flickr Photostream so I can share them with you. Hopefully, the whole computer problem will be fixed quickly and I'll be back in the blogging business. 

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