**Over-use of lip plumper lip gloss causes blisters on the inside of your lips. I strongly advise against reapplying. And it must not even be working that great, 'cause the girls at work didn't know I had been using it. Here, I thought I was looking like Angelina. There is truth in: Beauty is Pain. So: my own lesson learned. Go easy on the lip plumper.
**Weddings are a lot of work.
**Stamps can add up to big $$$.
**Weddings are also worth the work. Such a special time for Amy and Doug. Stressful, but wonderful. I love being a part of it, helping and planning. I can't wait for him to see her at the end of that aisle. Those kind of moments are just *magic*.
**John Mayer will be here in concert July 3. :) In fact, he is going to be less than 2 miles from my house. The last time he played here I thought about emailing him via his blog and asking him over for dinner. Would that be completely stalker-ish? Anyway.... I'm going. Anyone else want to come with me???
**Since my last post, I have received 11 packs of Orbit Bubblemint. Yeah for my blog-readers!!! And Thank you very much!! Did I mention how much I love Pentax lenses and how I just can't find them anywhere?? (kidding ;)
**"Retro"= 80's and 90's. It's Spirit week at Hannah's school. Here she is, in her dad's "retro" letter jacket, blue eyeshadow, hair combs and pegged jeans. Oh, let me tell ya, we could've really gone nuts, but we kept it simple. Evidently, the students had quite a shock seeing Matt in his stone-washed denim jacket complete with studs ( yes, I believe it had been bedazzled).
** Love is Patient.

Great blog...it gave me a good laugh! Glad to hear our boy is feeling better...that was a hard lesson to learn. Weddings ARE hard work...I don't know what I'd do without you. You are the best MOH/wedding cordinator/best friend ever. Hannah looked great for Retro Day...too bad Matt couldn't whip out his mullet for the day...the kids would have really enjoyed that! Love you all!
hope the Captain wore his denim jacket w/ all his vintage CCM pins! love that he has those, still! they should be in a shadow box in his office. :)
It is unfortunate what happened on the treadmill. Sadly when I made this terrible mistake I was even older, I think it was 7th grade! I still bear scars.
I love the pictures of Hannah in her "retro" outfit! It seems like only yesterday that I watched Tammy and Matt go out the door on dates wearing those clothes!!! It was a sweet, tearful memory of the joys I recall raising my children. Wow, how can the 80s and 90s be retro??? We were just there, weren't we! I would have loved to have seen Matt, and wish he could have had a shirt with a picture of himself as he looked during high school! When I look at Hannah in those posted pictures, I see such a complete mixture of you and Matt. She really looks like Matt, and she really looks like you! She is beautiful, both outside and in. Thank you for sharing.
Now for that comment about not being able to find any Pentax lens-- I am not sure it will work as well as the Orbit gum, but one can always pray. It never hurts to dream big!! I am still waiting for the last to pictures to open on my slooowww dial-up, so I still have something to look forward to. Love you Lots! Mom
Loved the pictures of Hannah in retro!!! She looks terrific no matter what "look" she has going! I agree with your mom that I can't believe the 80s and 90s are retro! We are not that far removed from those days!!! And I also agree with Bebe. Matt's students need to see him with his mullet. I think I could dig up a pic of that and we could get it blown up to poster size and it could miraculously appear in his classroom. Glad our boy is okay and all is well with everyone in StL. We love you and can't wait to be together again. Aunt Linda
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