I bet you thought by the title you'd see kids bundled up building a snowman, huh?
This requires a little background:
this particular video has a rich history for me and Matt. We use to work out together pretty regularly by Disco Sweat-ing with Richard Simmons. -- hey, get up off of the floor and stop laughing -- So, today we had a ton of snow. Ton = 10 inches. This was my half day at work, so I came home after lunch and Matt and the kids had been just hanging out all day. Jonathan sits down by me on the couch and starts talking about being bored...which turned into how we "never" do anything all together anymore (which is so not true) and how he just wants us to all do something together. Well, we did.
And I *did* put the camera down and shake, shake, shake my booty.
How sweet was this!!!! I would have loved to have been there and I would have shaken my booty with all of you. Loved the pic! And love all of you. Aunt Linda
Once again...as I've always said...I SO wish I had been there to see that! The mental image of you and Matt seriously working out to that has always been one I've stored in my head for particularly crabby moments. Did the fam form a dance line and take turns going down the center...b/c that is by far the best part of that video. Sounds like you had a fun day...hope the snow melts before I get there this weekend. Can't wait to see you all!
I wish Kate was not in the way of Matt's legs....I wanted to see if he borrowed Nacho's SWEATZ! Looks like you guys had fun. You could start the "Heckel Five" and travel the U.S. promoting family health! See you guys soon. -Doug
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