I just got off the phone with a dear friend of mine, Laverne, who I lead bible study with. For those who don't know, I've been in leadership in this woman' bible study for many years and the ladies there are so precious to me. The majority of them are older (whatever that means).... and have experienced life in a way that I haven't. As the years have come and gone, I've lost a few of my ladies and had several lose husbands. Only about a month ago, one of the women lost her husband, and the situation was especially hard because of their finances. To say that she was "in need' is an understatement. We had always done the usual -- food, cards, flowers, rides, etc. but we felt especially compelled to do something more for her. We took up a collection for her and her disabled adult daughter who lives with her. There are about 25 in our group and I was so amazed at the generosity and love that these women were showing to our friend.
Back to the phone call: Laverne said that she was giving her a ride home from bible study last Thursday and she shared with her that her husband had donated his body to science and it cost $480.00 to transport his body from the hospital to the facility it was to go to. My bible study ladies had given her a total of $480.00.
To. The. Penny.
Not knowing. All completely anonymous. And God blessed her not only in paying for the expenses at that hard time, but in assuring her --- and me --- and you --- that He has us right in the palm of His hand.
The photo below was chosen because :
A. it represents the deep hole of despair I was in before realizing that God is in control.
B. it's freezing cold, with snow on the way and I am trying to magically make everyone think it's summer
C. every post needs a picture and I have tons of Kate to share.
D. all of the above.:)
What a wonderful thing it is to remember time and time again that God is faithful and always taking care of us. He has proved Himself to me soooo many times, and yet I am always amazed when I see He has done it again! He cares for us, meets all of our needs and is good all the time!
What a wonderful thing it is to remember time and time again that God is faithful and always taking care of us. He has proved Himself to me soooo many times, and yet I am always amazed when I see He has done it again! He cares for us, meets all of our needs and is good all the time!
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