1. beach, 2. Color Block and Shadows#3, 3. It rained all night, 4. Winter light, 5. Dunnigan Hills, 6. currents, 7. Untitled, 8. Audrey Hepburn, 9. Audrey Hepburn, 10. Audrey Hepburn, 11. Party hat 4, 12. a BiRD in the HaND, 13. *VaLeNTiNe*, 14. vintage pink roses, 15. zen, 16. happy new year, 17. EOS Love, 18. tough guy, 19. Untitled, 20. pyrex bowls, 21. havaianas., 22. Cupcakes, 23. notty tru, 24. Rainbow candies, 25. Into the Blue....., 26. Afternoon Light, 27. old porch, 28. 20070424 - Domestic, 29. The Early Bird Catches the Worm!!, 30. Black is Back, 31. VIntage Flowers & Charm, 32. Jam Sandwich Cookies, 33. shiny, 34. Laundry in black and white, 35. GingerBrent Cookie, 36. colori di Ferrara
Sharing some of my Flickr Favorites. They are a mix of some recent finds, and some I found a long time ago. Flipping around on Flickr is so relaxing and inspiring. The way I like to look around is to go to "Explore" and then "7 days of Interestingness" from there you can go back through calendars, etc. Sometimes I search for specific photos. However you do it, take some time to look around. (by the way, you can click the link below the pic to see it on Flickr)
Hanging in there. We have a busy Thursday and Friday. Basketball for Jonathan and Cheerleading for Katie for Upward start and Hannah's having a slumber party for her birthday. Yes, we are still celebrating Hannah's birthday. This is the last hurrah. 6 girls overnight for an Asian themed sleepover complete with take-out, chop-sticks and Japanese lanterns. Not sure I'm up for it, but the show must go on. Looking forward to Saturday. I'm hoping to plan something fun...something relaxing...just for me to do. Not sure what that's going to be, but I'm looking forward to it.
I hope the Upward basketball and cheering goes well. (and it's all Kate is dreaming of!) Just think of all the memories you're making with/for Hannah. All of us remember those sleepovers and parties from growing up. You can chalk it all up to being a great mom! Love you and miss you STILL -- Jacki
I think Hannah's "Asian Celebration" will be LOTS of fun. Wish I could be there invisibly to see the fun. Take some pictures and capture the moments for me, and for future remembrances.
I know that the basketball games and cheerleading will be lots of fun for everyone. Hope we can attend and watch Jonathan and Kate in action! Sounds like such a good time. Enjoy all these memories you are making. Thanks for letting us "tag along" on your blog. You and Matt are such great parents. I am proud of you beyond words. Love, Mom
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