I have to give the obligatory holiday round-up. I have waayyyy too many pictures that I want to share. Mainly because I'm feeling too lazy to put the whole holiday experience into words. But, I guess I'll give it a try and tell you about our Christmas/Hannah's Birthday extravaganza.
We had: 3 Christmas celebrations, 2 big all-the-trimmings dinners, 3 birthday celebrations, an ice-cream cake and a cheesecake in addition to the regular pie-candy-cookies of Christmas. We have seen lots of movies, including the Waterhorse at the theater which is treat for our whole family. Santa came to visit, ate the treats and left a note. Kate ran through Grandma's house screaming "He came! He came! He came!" Everyone's Christmas dreams came true, with the exception of mine, which has too many zero's on the end of it at this moment in time. (but I'm saving!!) We sang carols and read about Jesus birth. We sat by the fire, played with cousins, shopped, played board games and were in general very merry.
My baby girl turned 13 years old. We both feel older. She's soaking it in and loving every minute of it. I love that she's happy. She got a new camera for her birthday, which is so cool because I love that she's catching the fever. She also got a sewing machine --- keeping the craftiness alive in the family.
We celebrated New Years Eve at home playing games, watching Ratattouie, and ending the evening with me taking my husband down -- in SCRABBLE. Beat him in a big way. Even while drinking wine. Yep, I'm awesome.
So that brings us to today. January 1, 2008. It's 4 p.m. and I'm starting the new year right by staying in my pj's for the entire day. Maybe my theme for '08 should be "Jammies are Great in 2008".??? Seriously, I decided today was about taking the pressure off. Doing what I wanted to do and not feeling guilty for not doing the other stuff. Spent a lot of time talking on the phone, reconnecting with people I love. That felt really good. Spent a lot of time on the couch under a blanket with one or more kids. That felt even better.
I've got some goals for the new year that I'm thinking of sharing with the blogging world. Not sure yet about that, somethings should be kept private, but I am in goal-setting mode. In general they have to do with *breathing* with *taking it all in* and *relaxing* and *letting go*. They may also have to do with the effects of cheesecake and pie, ( and me in a strapless silk dress at the beach in 6 short months) but I'll have to save that for another post.
eta: I've tried 5 different times to upload pictures and blogger is being stinky about it, so be looking for a photo-only post to come...later, gator
Thanks for the update on your blog! And it was so good to talk to you too! Such a good, happy time talking to you for so long -- and then I got teary after we finished our chat. Now what is that all about??? It's just me missing you. (That should be on a card, don't ya think?) Anyway, I hope your 2008 is wonderful! Love you! Jacki
Ahhh, yes, a beautiful beginning to 2008--relaxing in pj's and regrouping. Winter has its benefits, by letting us have a "no guilt" cozy day after all the hustle and bustle of the celebrations. The celebrating is fun and has its purpose, but the afterglow leaves us warm and fulfilled.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and "being you", my sweet wonderful baby girl. Love you so much. Mom
Can't wait to see photos-keep trying! If anyone deserves a pj day you do. Relax and enjoy!
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