Hannah is getting ready to go on the mission trip with our youth group, doing work with some inner city missions. I'll be helping as a chaperone for the first couple of days. I'm praying that this makes a lasting impression on her as to how truly blessed she is and gives her a heart for service. She's very, very excited, especially about working with the children. Who knows how this experience might shape what she does in the future? Please be praying for her and the group this week...for safety, and for the hearts of the people they serve as well as the students.
We are counting down until our friends, Jeff , Jacki and Maddy come to visit next week. You know the saying, "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is siver, the other gold." ?? They are like, 28 krt. True Friends from waaaayyyy back. Back before 4 children and many moves. Back in the laun-dro-mat and 90210 days. So glad to have a few days with them. The count down is ticking....:)
I mentioned last post about my favorite town in Italy. I dare say that it would be yours, too, if you had been along. Siena is precious. Siena is exactly what you picture a Tuscan town to be. I wish I had taken many more pictures there...and I wish we had stayed longer. We only had about 4 hours there total, including our little tour by Paolo. We tried asking Michael to please let us stay a little while longer, but he had the job of getting us to Sorrento before dinner, and wouldn't budge.
We began our day in the church of St. Dominic's. A simple church with the exception that it holds the head and finger of St. Catherine of Siena. I had never known about her, about the miraculous life she lived, her heart for service, for the poor and sick, or of her involvement in the political world in 15th century Italy. I'm adding this link for you to read about her life. Truly inspiring and worth reading. St. Catherine
We took a walking tour of the city ending at he Piazza del Campo, a wonderful brick square. Being a medieval city, the piazza was set to be the center where they would have races with horses and knights, the crowd in the center of the fan shaped square , the track around the edges. They still have these races during the yearly festival. We had the rest of our time for lunch and exploring. Matt, Amy and I ate at a little pizza place where in Matt's words, "they have pizza so good it shouldn't be called pizza". I could have stayed there in Siena if I had had all those I love with me.
<<--<<--the door to St. Dominic's.
<<--<<-- it's a very hilly town. I liked how this picture mixes the 14-15th century with today.
<<--<<-- one of my favorites.
My pictures don't do Siena justice, that's for sure. And it isn't as opulent and rich in architecure and art as Florence, but it is just perfect.
We leave Siena and head for the Almafi coast and Sorrento. Wait til you see the view!
You sure know how to leave us longing for more. What an adventure!
Thanks for sharing!---I understand how Siena could steal your heart, it is so "Italy" as we envision it in our minds. I love the photo with the aqua shutters and laundry too--beautiful!
Glad you and Patti had a relaxing afternoon shopping and enjoying the lovely weather. Now you get to "entertain" friends from way back---pre-children years! Yes, it is good to have several good friends, for I have heard it said that if you have 5 true "friends" you are a very rich person. It takes a whole lifetime to form those kinds of relationships, and to meet those who share your hopes, dreams, values and life-experiences. Hold your friends with both hands, they are fragile. I am now re-connecting with a lost friend from 1971, and it is good to catch up on those years and remember all the things you have in common.
We will be praying for you and Hannah on her mission trip. I am sure there will be experiences that she will remember her whole life and she will touch lives and they will touch hers. God bless you all and all the youth. Love, Mom
Your mom's comments always seem to make me teary-eyed. She's so good with words and what an encouragement to you! She definitely "hit it on the head" about holding your friends with both hands. I'm looking forward to our time together! There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about how true a friend you are and how I'd love to live closer -- like the olden days!! So, we'll just enjoy the time we do have next week and make the most of it! Love you all! Jacki
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