In other news: Jon Carter's first ball game went well. They won 12-10. High scoring games are expected this season, now that the boys can steal. It's hysterical to watch them running from first to second behind the pitcher, who has a hard time managing to pitch, let alone throw a guy out. It definitely makes the games less boring. They even have the occasional steal at home plate, not something you see in the majors much.... Here are a couple of my favorite shots:
We also have been having quite the nature lesson going on, since Amy gave Katie some caterpillars. We've been watching them change into butterflies and holy moly has this been exciting! Yesterday, our first butterfly emerged. We (meaning Kate) have someone designated at all times 'in charge of babysitting' our new friend. And constantly are checking up on her. It's a wonderful distraction to the mess and the stress.
I love the fact that Katie's main focus is if she can go out to play and how the butterfly is doing. Big things in her little world. I wish we could keep them young and naive to all the stress that life brings. Shelter them from financial worries, sickness, violence, mean people, all those kind of things. But unfortunately, they will at some point spread their wings and fly. Such a good thing, but yet so hard. Now, I guess, is when we nuture, protect, teach and mold them --- and treasure the precious innocence. So that when they have the realities of life come they are strong and ready.
Golly, am I serious, or what?? Sorry about that. Feeling very 'reflective' and sentimental I guess.
Be back soon! :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures! What great colors in Jon Carter's pix. And a priceless photo of Kate watching the b'fly emerge! You're children are lucky to have you for their mother to nurture and mold them. Can't wait to see your new cook's kitchen, too!-P
What precious kids--they are what makes the stress endurable---Oh to be young-at-heart throughout life. The look on Katie's face as she watches the butterfly is priceless.Jonathan's hours of watching and listening to baseball are manifesting in a pro-player. I love the pictures, they say it all. Thanks for sharing.
We are all in anxious anticipation for the "light" to shine on the completed kitchen and its unveiling on the blog! Love you Lots! Mom ("the bird doctor")
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