Friday, April 6

A picture is worth 1000 words.

Where have I been? What have I been doing?

Well, actually nothing real exciting, just the dailies. Trying to catch up on all that was left behind while we were gone. I also had my last week of Bible Study until the fall. I took a few pictures at the luncheon, but hestiate to post any because in many of them someone has a mouth full of food. I love those ladies too much to put them out there. I love, love, love teaching these women each week, but by the spring, I'm always ready for a break. Now, I have Wednesday and Thursday a.m. open and it feels like such an easy schedule. Unfortunately, I'm not naive enough and that those 'free' spaces fill up very quickly. <<<---one of my fav things: helps me keep it together. So far this month is actually looking much less busy than the last couple. Of course it's only the first week, and I filled it out with what was on my yahoo calendar -- (which by the way is handy-dandy and will send you email to remind of you what you have going on, like a personal
assistant for the not-so-famous).
I've been eating a lot of these....
trying to balance out eating a lot of these...
<<---which by the way are to. die. for. I'm not usually a big chip girl, but I promise these are a little bit of heaven. Oh, and 30% less fat. Than what??? a big honkin' bowl of real mashed potatoes??? The only problem is that they do leave your mouth a little too garlicy.
<<<---yes, there is a story behind this odd picture. This is (or rather was ) Kate's little rollie-pollie family. It's funny she became so interested in them, because she's always been really freaked out by bugs, but I don't think she thinks of them as bugs, but as pets. So, she's had them for a few days. Took them on the 2 hour trip to Grandma's the other day. Had them in her room at night. (please no comments on the crazy mother that would allow this ) ... Well, we had a storm come through the other day. And in the middle of the lightning and the hail, she screams, "my rollie-pollies!!! I have to go get them!!!" They were outside getting some fresh air. We brought them in not long after and the Rollie-Pollie home had flooded ... not sure if they had insurance or not :( Her brother and sister tried to prepare her for the worst. She kept yelling "They are not dead, they are just sleeping!!!" It was awhile later that she told me she thought they may have died. Wanted to know if they are in heaven now. Of course, I said, "yes, honey." --- my theology may be a little off there ---- Now, we are looking forward to it warming up and welcoming a new rollie-pollie family.
We had a special Maundy Thursday service at church last night. Remember the last supper, the night Jesus spent with disciples before he was crucified. We share a meal and then had a worship service that included communion. The only light was from the candles representing Jesus and the 12, which were snuffed out as the service went on, ending in remembering his sacrifice and in darkness in the church. We were all asked to leave in silence. It was incredibly powerful and moving. We've found that these as well as Good Friday services add so much to the Easter Celebration for our family.
This weekend is looking wonderful. Just being home with the fam. Easter is basically our only big holiday we spend at our own house. I usually make a big meal but we've decided that we've been on such overload that we are going out for a nice lunch after church. Trying to relax as much as possible.
Happy Easter to all of you!!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must have the cleanest roly polys in the neighborhood! At least I got to meet them, and I am sure their relatives will take up residence in the fine facilities, as soon as the weather warms.
Guess I will have to try those Trader Joes chips, and I too must eat MORE grapefruit. I have been having clementines--yummy, but many seeds!!!
Have a Blessed Easter, and know that you are loved!